Sunday 31 July 2011

10 common childhood winter illnesses

Illnesses are the common complaints in winter season by majority of moms since children spend more time indoors with germs passing around them. Croup, cold, runny eyes, sore ears etc are some of the major and common illnesses find in children during this season.
It is essential to find out the symptoms on-time and apply remedies to the same to save your kid from severe diseases. The primary thing that you have to check is that your kid has wearing plenty of warm layers when he/she is out in the cold. Following are the 10 common illness that attack children during winter season;
The Common Cold
It is said that babies and young children get cold more than 10 times in a year. This common illness is generally caused by viruses and its symptoms include coughs, blocked or runny nose, crankiness and sore throats. Babies will find feeding very hard with blocked nose and often will omit the solid food. It is good to give only milk to babies during this period.
Health Tips: To prevent spreading of cold viruses, teach elder children to cover their mouth with hands or tissue while sneezing or coughing. Also, ensure that they wash their hands after coughing or sneezing.
Fever is the increase in the normal temperature of human body. Generally children get fever when their body looses the immunity power. When you find your kids very hot, wear out some of their layers and cool their chest and face with a damp flannel. Ensure that the kid doesn’t get chilled. Give infant paracetamol which will be available in pharmacies. It is good to call a doctor if your baby is under 3 months.
Health Tips: Keep your kid’s immunity system healthier. For this, give different types of fruits and vegetables that contain good quantity of vitamins.
Sore Throat
Sore throat is caused by either bacterial or virus infection. Back of the throat get inflamed when bacteria or virus infects. Moms have to watch their kids’ telltale signs of wincing while swallowing food. Give warm and soothing drinks to your toddler when he/she get sore throat. Infant paracetamole can less down the intensity of sore throat to a great extent.
Health Tips: It is good to give honey as it is found as a good cough suppressant. However, don’t give honey to babies of under 1 year since it can occasionally include a bacterium that may cause danger to babies.
Eye Infections
Never ignore runny eyes just as a sign of cold since it may be caused due to conjunctivitis or bacterial infection. General symptoms are greenish or yellowish discharge from kids’ eyes. Clean up the eyes with cotton pad which is dipped in cooled or boiled water. Use separate pad for each eye and each wipe.
Health Tips: To stay your kids healthy and strong, motivate them to do regular exercises. To boost their immune system, encourage them to go out in the fresh air and keep them moving around.
Ear Infections
You may see that your little one continuously rubbing or pulling at his/her ear. It can be a sign of ear infection. Symptoms include temperature, runny wax from ear and grumpy towards food. Keep your kid’s ear dry and give infant paracetamole for fever.
Health Tips: Ensure that your kid get enough sleep. It is essential to recover him from the day’s activities. Disordered sleep will increase his susceptibility to catch the infection.
It is the inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and the spine. Generally meningitis is caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infection. Its symptoms include vomiting, high temperature, sensitivity to light, floppiness, drowsiness, red or purple pinprick rash that doesn’t fade even you press a glass against it and persistent crying.
Health Tips: Give vitamin supplements to child if he/she is aged between 6 months and 5 years.
Croup is the viral or bacterial infection caused to children and makes their airways to become inflamed. Symptoms are dry and barking cough. Children may have a temperature and feel difficulty to breath. Inhaling steam is the best remedy for croup. If the cough does not ease off in a couple of days, immediately call your GP.
Health Tips: Dress your children with appropriate cloths when they go out into the cold. Buy cloths that are both windproof and waterproof. Since wool is the best insulator, buy it for your little one.
Bronchiolitis is the inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchioles. This illness fills the airways in the lungs with mucus and makes difficulty for smooth passing of air. Bronchiolitis is generally caused by cold or RSV virus. Babies find difficulty breathing whereas older children cause a sore throat or cough. Raise the head end of child’s coat or give more liquids and try a humidifier.
Health Tips: Encourage children to take plenty of water in a day. Warn them not to take fizzy drinks and squashes.
Winter Vomiting
This is caused due to a virus called rotovirus and the major symptoms are frequent vomiting and a temperature. This can last for 3-10 days. Give sachets and infant paracetamole.
Health Tips: Reduce the spread of bugs by encouraging hand wash. Get your visitors to wash their hands when they want to cuddle your child.
Hand, foot and mouth
This virus creates itchy, sore blisters on the soles of your kid, the palms of his hand and inside his mouth. Symptoms include a temperature, sore throat and runny nose. Never burst the blisters before drying up as it will spread more. Use teething gel to soothe the ulcers in the mouth. Wash your hands every time when you change a dirty nappy or touch a blister.
Health Tips: Always keep an alcohol-free hand sanitizer when you are out with your baby. Use quick squirt rather than soap and water.
Keep your little ones to be the best of health even in the winter season.


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