Saturday 23 July 2011

Tips on Caring For Your Newborn Baby

Tips on Caring For Your Newborn Baby

Bringing home the newborn from the hospital is a big step. This will be the first time that the parents will take care of the baby full time and without any medical personnel on hand. Some parents might find this step daunting. Preparing the things that the baby will need beforehand might help to ease the panic that new parents face regarding the first say of full time parenting.
Enough Supplies
The parents have to make sure that when they bring their newborn baby home that they always have enough supplies of things such as wet wipes and diapers. It will not be good to realize in the middle of the night that you ran out of diapers.
First aid kits must also be complete and on hand in case of emergencies. It is also important to keep basic medicine on hand in case the newborn gets sick in the middle of the night.
Check the Quality
Parents should also make sure that the things the baby will use are safe and will not cause any harm. Cribs should not have any loose screws or parts as well as sharp edges. It will also have to be stable so that it will not collapse once the baby is in the crib.
Toys and other materials that will be put in the cribs like stuff toys must be made with hypo allergenic materials so that the baby will not develop illness such as asthma and allergies.
If the parents decide to bottle feed the baby, they have to make sure that they choose a formula that will not hinder the baby’s development or cause harm to the baby health.
Keep Everything Clean
A baby’s immune system is not as developed as an adult’s. The parents have to make sure that everything that the baby will use is clean and sterile. This is to ensure that they will not cause the baby to get sick.
For example, baby bottles must be cleaned properly because there might be germs left that will cause illness connected with the digestive tract such as diarrhea. Another example is if the bed sheets or blankets are not properly washed, it will cause rashes or allergies.
Baby-proofing the House
Parents should also make sure to keep anything small and dangerous out of reach. Babies have the tendency to reach for things and put it in their mouths. If the item is small enough, the baby might accidentally swallow it which in turn will result to choking.
Things that might break easily should also be secured. Items such as fragile glass figurines might break if the baby gets hold of it. This will result to the baby being cut in the hands.


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