Monday 1 August 2011

Lack of Sunshine Dangerous for Babies and Mothers

Sunshine is the main source of Vitamin D. If the mother and baby don’t go out to catch some sunshine they will become Vitamin D deficient which will cause bigger problems.
There are many other associated problems as well that might result into the malfunctions in the main body parts of both of the mother and the newborn. It is especially prescribed to the mothers in the days of pregnancy to go for having a sun bath in order to take a good amount of the sunshine in order to avoid any impending issues caused by the lack of the sunshine.  Sunshine is naturally one of the powerful sources of energy that a baby and a mother deserve to have.
Result of Lack of Vitamin D
If a pregnant woman doesn’t get enough vitamin D, it will affect the development of the baby inside her. Some problems caused by Vitamin D deficiency are bone deformities, poor growth and other bone related problems.
Vitamin D is the one the controls the levels of minerals found in bones, like calcium. If the mother and her child don’t get enough of sunshine, their bodies might use the mineral stored in the bones which will then render the bones weak. If this happens, it is advisable to consult your doctor so that he will be able to determine what the right treatment is for you.

How to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency
Go out to the sunlight regularly. Make sure that you get enough Vitamin D for your body and your child’s. If you are located in a country where the sunlight is limited, it is best to consult your doctor so that you can get supplements that you if you can’t get your calcium and phosphorus from milk and some vegetables.
How to Treat Vitamin D Deficiency
Treatment for this includes the replacement of the lost vitamins (D) and minerals (calcium and phosphorous). These vitamins and minerals can be replaced by eating foods that are rich in the nutrients that you need.
As for the effects of the deficiency to the bones, some may require surgery if it has worsened and other will need a brace. You can also start to replace the Vitamin D that you lost by exposing yourself to the sun once in a while. Just make sure that the heat of the sun at its peak because it is dangerous to the person’s health as well.


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