Monday 1 August 2011

Tips To Treat Fever in Children

It’s really hard for the parents when their babies get sick especially to the new parents with newborns. The best to deal with this is to keep level headed since panicking might do more harm than baby care.
Fever in Babies and Newborns
During sickness, it’s very difficult to know what the cause is especially in babies or newborns. This is because the only indication that you have that there might be something wrong is your baby’s cries.
They will not be able to tell the parents specifically where the discomfort is coming from. Therefore, parents will have to rely on what knowledge they gained in order to make sure that their baby will get well.
First, it is important for parents to remember to take the child’s temperature to initially know how sick the child is. Parents also have to make sure to check the child temperature every hour so that you can keep tract of the illness.
If the temperature is not quite high, it is possible for the parents to attempt to first try to bring it down to normal levels before going to a hospital.
Bringing the fever down
There are different methods of bringing down a fever that can be done at home. Some parents would choose to just give the sick child some medicine. Giving medicine is probably the quickest way to cure a normal fever because they are made for that purpose.
However, there are some parents who prefer natural ways of treating a fever. This involves making sure that the sick child takes in enough fluids like water or juice so that the child will not get dehydrated. This will also include giving the child vitamin rich foods such as fruits to help the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Some parents will also try to lower the temperature by washing the child down with a towel soaked in cold water. This will help ease the burning feeling that the fever brings. It is also important to remember to make sure that the child is comfortable all the time and will get plenty of rest to help in the recuperation.
Going to the doctors
After checking the baby’s temperature and it’s in a very high level or that the fever is not going down, it might be better to bring him to the hospital or clinic. Very high fevers might indicate that it might not be just a simple fever which is why keeping track of the changes of temperate is important.
It is also preferable to bring the baby to the hospital when he couldn’t take in fluids the usual way or throws them up after drinking might result to dehydration. The doctors will be able to give the child the fluids the he needs in order make him feel better. This will also prevent the illness to grow to worse situation.


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